Soups & Stews

Beef Stew

Just like grandma used to make! This hearty beef recipe reminds us of cozy family dinners and healthy eating. An easy recipe, beef stew only requires about 20-30 minutes total preparation.

1 lb. beef
1 sliced onion
3 tablespoons butter
3/4 cup carrots
1/2 cup turnips [trust us - you'll love it!]
1 cup potatoes
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/2 cup flour
1 quart water

"Soak one-half of the meat, cut in small pieces, in the quart of water for one hour. Heat slowly to boiling point. Season the other half of the meat with salt and pepper. Roll in flour. Brown in three tablespoons of butter with the onion. Add to the soaked meat, which has been brought to the boiling point. Cook one hour or until tender. Add the vegetables, and flour mixed with half cup of cold water. Cook until vegetables are tender."

Soup Maigre

Creole remains one of America's great food traditions - an exciting blend of cultures springing from one of North America's great, historical ports. You'll find these delicious recipes in La Cuisine Creole, published 1885.

Soup Maigre is a simple recipe brimming with flavors. As a vegetarian dish, it was intended for Lent, when many of New Orleans' Catholics were fasting. As a creole dish, it serves up enough for all your friends and is a soup to remember.

1/2 lb. butter
6 onions
2 heads celery
3 crackers
2 quarts milk
2 eggs

"Melt half a pound of butter in a stewpan, put in six onions sliced; add two heads of celery cut small, one-half a head of white cabbage, and a bunch of chopped parsley; let them boil twenty minutes, then stir in three rolled crackers; pour in two quarts of boiling milk, or milk and water; let this boil up gently for half an hour, and just before serving stir in two well-beaten eggs."