Soup Maigre is a simple recipe brimming with flavors. As a vegetarian dish, it was intended for Lent, when many of New Orleans' Catholics were fasting. As a creole dish, it serves up enough for all your friends and is a soup to remember.
1/2 lb. butter
6 onions
2 heads celery
3 crackers
2 quarts milk
2 eggs
"Melt half a pound of butter in a stewpan, put in six onions sliced; add two heads of celery cut small, one-half a head of white cabbage, and a bunch of chopped parsley; let them boil twenty minutes, then stir in three rolled crackers; pour in two quarts of boiling milk, or milk and water; let this boil up gently for half an hour, and just before serving stir in two well-beaten eggs."