Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Succotash - To Accompany your Potatoes!

Another simple recipe from Buckeye Cookery. Succotash works all year and always suits American tastes.

1 pint lima beans OR string beans
6 ears corn
salt and pepper
2 tablespoon butter

"Take pint of shelled lima beans (green), or string beans, cover with hot water, boil fifteen minutes; have ready corn from six good-sized ears, and add to beans; boil half an hour, add salt, pepper and two table-spoons butter. Be careful in cutting down corn not to cut too deep,--better not cut deep enough and then scrape; after corn is added watch carefully to keep from scorching.

"Or to cook with meat, boil one pound salted pork two hours, add corn and beans, omitting butter."