Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A Very Fine Creole Sandwich

Drawn from La Cuisine Creole, this delicious recipe redefines the modern sandwich.  We recommend trying it with the best local artisan bread available.

We also think the title says it all: "SANDWICHES. VERY FINE"

1/2 lb butter
3 tbsp mixed mustard
3 tbsp sweet oil (vegetable or olive will do)
1 egg
fresh parsley

"Take half a pound of nice sweet butter, three tablespoonfuls of mixed mustard, the same of sweet oil, a little salt, pepper and the yolk of an egg. Put it over the fire and stir till it thickens; set it by to cool and chop fine some ... boiled ham. Cut the bread thin, then spread on the dressing and over it put a layer of ham. Press the slices of bread hard together, trim the edges and garnish with curled parsley."